Monday, November 9, 2015

Jeff Halper: Israel's Apartheid Policies, June 25, 2014

Jeff Halper (Hebrewג'ף הלפר‎; born 1946[1]) is an American-born anthropologist,[2] author, lecturer, and political activist who has lived in Israel since 1973. He is co-founder and Director of the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions(ICAHD).
Halper has written several books on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and is a frequent writer and speaker about Israeli politics, focusing mainly on nonviolent strategies to solve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. He is a supporter of the BDS movement and the academic boycott of Israel, and considers Israel to be guilty of “apartheid” and of a deliberate campaign of “Judaization” of the Palestinian territories.
In 1997, Halper co-founded ICAHD to challenge and resist the Israeli policy of demolishing Palestinian homes in theOccupied Territories and to organize Israelis, Palestinians and international volunteers to jointly rebuild demolished Palestinian homes—although ICAHD considers its resistance to house demolitions as a vehicle for exposing how the Israeli Occupation works and ultimately to end it. He has created a new mode of Israeli peace activity based onnonviolent direct actioncivil disobedience in the Occupied Territories and international advocacy.[1] Halper was nominated, together with the Palestinian intellectual/activist Ghassan Andoni, for the Nobel Peace Prize by theAmerican Friends Service Committee for his work "to liberate both the Palestinian and the Israeli people from the yoke of structural violence" and "to build equality between their people by recognizing and celebrating their common humanity".

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