Sunday, July 2, 2017

Rod Quantock OAM John Faine discuss global warming and the humanities response

"John Faine:  
How do you maintain your optimism?

Rod Quantock OAM
 I am wondering about that now  john some of this  I do is really dark,  part of this play is starts to  talk about Obama’s hope speech, 
I never had much faith in him anyway and it proved I was right.
I  dismissed hope as an option completely ,its a
useless emotion useless thought, Hope is for the powerless
I see no answers, but I can see directions
People sitting around hoping that climate changes will go away
Or hoping that the government will bring out a carbon tax
That’s all behind us. The time to do something about climate change was the 1980s Where that far behind the ball 
And when it came out as it has come out for the last decade
That the Great Barrier Reef will be dead by 2030 And it will be it just won’t be there anymore and nothing changes people’s response to the problem No pressures put on those points that might be vulnerable to pressure
I don’t know how I stay optimistic it realty baffles me, there must be something in me that should be cloned and given to people
Jon Faine
certainly  the challenges continue to mount I am not sure say back in the 70 and 80s or 90s you probably didn’t  think that those were the good old days
Rod Quantock OAM
You were being told I am working at Melbourne university and I for a little bit longer on a project called the last tim tam I’ve spent a year looking at what people have been telling us what is going to happen we have been told and told told  and I don’t look at the 80 as the good old days I look at 80s as the turning point where we had the opportunity to keep what we got and we let it go
John Faine :
We thought that things certainly back  then if  you were involved in any sort of reform you thought things would continue to    automatically getting better
Rod Quantock OAM
That’s right absolutely
John Faine  
And yet they haven’t
Rod Quantock OAM
No no no because people thought things would get better rather than making sure that they did "
Image result for Rod Quantock OAM jon faine

The Conversation Hour: Gross National Happiness
The Conversation Hour
with Jon Faine
Broadcast: Mon 19 Jun 2017, 11:00am

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